・What is it?
"NHK" is short of "Nippon Hoso Kyokai" in Japanese.This organization is a corporation which has the aims of spreading various broadcasts and broadcasting better programs based on the broadcast law.
・What does it do?
NHK broadcasts publicly without dependence on the government and for no profit.It acts by a reception fee collected from viewers. There is a problem that some viewers will not pay the fee. I 'm going to write about this problem on next chance.
・How does it broadcast?
It does reports by means of seven waves, NHK synthetic television, NHK education television(NHK Etele), NHK BS1, NHK BSpremium, NHK radio1, NHK radio2 and NHK-FM.
According to these waves, there is the reports for foreign countries.
Next week, I'll write about history of NHK.
See you!!
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