
NHK's license fee

I'll, this week, talk about the problem of license fee in NHK. You may  have known such as problems that NHK has and also become social issues. There are some negative points in NHK.

・How is it?
NHK collects TV and radio license fee from viewers and listeners who contract for NHK. It is needed in order to do high quality and impartial broadcasting without influences from particular groups or forces and dependency.  It is based on the law of broadcastimg Article 64. This law makes those who put equipment that receives broadcast contract for NHK. At the same time, they come to be in duty to pay license fee. For example, NHK's business income, 65.98 billion yen is composed of  TV or radio license fee in 96.5% in 2010.

・The Problem
In spite of these systems, there are some people who won't pay license fee. In 2010, it is 74% that the rate of those who contract NHK is. This,I think, results from no punishment for not paying fee. NHK has to urge them by civil suits. Moreover, it results in this to diversification of receivers, PC or one segment broadcasting, and NHK doesn't have just corresponds to this. By the way, in order to reject sense of unfairness, people who don't pay fee can watch TV or are collected for money despite not watching, NHK is considering to introduce scramble way. This way allow those who don't pay not to watch NHK. But there are opposite idea that scramble conflicts with principle of "public broadcast". So it is difficult that NHK adopts scramble way.
If you want to watch  NHK, let's pay the fee.


NHK foreign broadcasting

I'll give you account of NHK foreign broadcasting this week. NHK is not only broadcsting in the nation but also for foreign countries. When I traveled abroad, I watched it in the hotel. It will be needed for those who have a trip for foreign countries like me or live abroad.

・NHK World
It is a general term of NHK broadcasting for foreign countries. It has three channels, NHK World Radio Japan, NHK World TV and NHK World Premium. Radio Japan broadcasts for all over the world in 18 languages, Japanese, English, Chinese, etc. (even Arabic, Hindu and Urdu!) There are some programs which are also popular in Japan. For example, "NHK Nodojibann" and "outside broadcasting". World TV is a English channel for foreigners who live abroad. It has some main NHK's programs. In this channel, Japanese was used as a speech sound. But it changed to English little by little with an action of internationalization and in 2009, it has done completely. We can watch it in 120 countries and regions. Comparing this, World Premium is a Japanese channel for Japanese people who live abroad and go on trips there. This has not only news or information programs but also sports, entertainment, for children,  culture and so on. On this channel, "Ohayo-Nihonn", "News7", "News watch9" and etc. are broadcasted at the same time with domestic them.

・TV Japan
It is also a service for foreign countries, especially North America (America, the part of Canada and Puerto Rico). It was established by NHK Cosmomedia (America). There are some commercial programs, for example drama(Marumonookite...), movie(Otokohaturaiyo...) and animation Soreike Annpannman...), adding to NHK's them.

1935,6/1   NHK started broadcasting on short wave for the western of North America and Hawaii an hour per a day.  This time, Japanese and English were used.

1937,1/1   They also began for Europe, eastern of NA, South America and some Southeast Asia countries an hour per a day. 

 April    French and German were started to use. Area and language expanded  gradually.

1944,11/5  Time became about 33 hours on a day. Languages were sorted out to 20 from 24, Japanese, English, Arabic, Italy and so on.

1945,8/15  It told the end of the war for Japanese residents.
         9/10  It was prohibited by G.H.Q.

1952,2/1    NHK restarted foreign broadcasting.

1996,January Services for abroad was named "NHK WORLD."

1998,10/1  Receiving ares of "NHK World TV" and "NHK World Premium" became almost over the world.
2000,2/4  "NHK World Radio" started streaming on the Internet.
2007,10/1 The broadcasting on Japanese for North America, Hawaii and Europe was abolished. And the number of languages of radio came to 18.

I'll show the problem NHK has, "unpaid fee".
See you!!